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Gap Up Stats Label for thinkorswim Study Labels in Details


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History tends to repeat itself.

The historical behavior of a stock may help make future decisions.

The GAP UP STATS studies is based on the statistical analysis of daily candlestick in a yearly chart.

GAP UP STATS gives info on:

# of


Gap Up

Avg. % Gain


Gap Up



Gap Up

This Study has Adjustable Inputs:

Adjustable Icon
  • Gap Up Percentage
  • Percentage Increase of Unsual Volume
  • Decimal Places
  • Colors

Plus this study gives

Historical Analysis of How its Ends by the end of the day?

Green Candle

Ends Green and Avg. % Gains

Red Candle

Ends Red and Avg. % Loss

Furthermore, it gives a History of Supernovas and/or Washouts?


( O > H )



( H < C )


Gap Up Stats Explained in Details for a Green Day for $WORX.

Gap Up Stats Explained in Details for a Green Day. 1/3

Gap Up Stats Explained in Details for a Red Day for $AEHL.

Gap Up Stats Explained in Details for a Red Day. 2/3

Gap Up Study of $GNUS in a Daily Candlestick Chart for thinkorswim.

Gap Up Study in a Daily Candlestick Chart. 3/3

Gap Up Stats Settings

One has the option to set how many decimal places the percentage and price data to be display with.

The Unusual Volume can be set to be calculated over a particular length and can be used to detect volume over a particular percentage.

The Gap Up Percentage can be modified to your liking 5%, 10%, 20%, 50%, etc.

The Gap Ups that have been identified can be plotted as optional vertical lines on the lower chart.

Also, the color of the labels can be changed to your liking under Globals Colors.

Gap Up Stats Study thinkorswim Settings

Gap Up Stats Study thinkorswim Settings

Gap Up Stats Labels in Details

Gap Up Stats thinkorswim Study Labels in Details.

Gap Up Stats thinkorswim Study Labels in Details.

The first label tells you what you are looking at:

  • The specific Gap Up %.
  • And the specific Unusual Volume %.

The next few labels tell you about the GAP UPS:

  • The number (#) of Gap Ups and its the percentage overall (i.e. How often it happens?).
  • The average gain in $ and %.
  • Average ATR Gain in those Gap UPS.
  • Then the Largest Gap Up in $ and %.

Then the next few are the Gains labels (How its ends/closes? or Does it holds its gains?):

  • How many days does it end up as a Green day and its percentage?
  • The average gain in $ and % on those Green days.
  • How many days does it end up a Red day and its percentage?
  • The average gain in $ and % on those Red days.
  • And if there is any unchanged days (i.e. the open is equal tothe close (O = C)).

The next few labels are what I call SPIKEABILITY (O < H) - (How the stock behaves from open to reach its high of day!):

  • What is its average SPIKE gain from Open to the High in $ and % overall?
  • And even more specifically in Green or Red days.
  • It also give the Largest SPIKE in $ and %.

The next few labels are what I call FADEABILITY (H > C) - (How the stock behaves once it has reached its high of day in relation to its close!):

  • What is its average FADE loss from the High to Close in $ and % overall?
  • And even more specifically in Green or Red days.
  • It also give the Largest FADE in $ and %.

Lastly the miscellaneous labels tell you:

  • the overall daily count.
  • and the usual ATR.

Gap Up Stats Explained in Details for a Green Day for $WORX.

Gap Up Stats Explained in Details for a Green Day.

Gap Up Stats Explained in Details for a Red Day for $AEHL. 2/2

Gap Up Stats Explained in Details for a Red Day. 1/2

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