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Long Dark Green Bar

Price $99

SALE $79

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Long Dark Green Bar

This Workspace is a set-up for two screens.

The main screen is the ‘trading' screen, while the second screen is the ‘looking' for a set-up screen.

The Workspace has charts for 1 min, 2 min, and 15 min. It also has watchlists, level 2, the tape, live news, chat, messages, and trade flash.

Thinkorswim Workspace with 1, 2, 15 min Charts for $TVTY - First Screen.

Workspace 1, 2, 15 min Charts- First Screen. 1/2

Thinkorswim Workspace 1, 2, 15 min Charts for multiple stocks - Second Screen.

Workspace 1, 2, 15 min Charts - Second Screen. 2/2

Workspace 1 min, 2 min, 15 min Details for Screen One

This workspace contains gadgets, charts which are all linked together.

Left Side contains the gadgets.

  • Watchlist - contains: Symbol, Mark %, Last, Volume, Quote Trend.
  • Live News
  • Level 2

Middle is your main trading centre.

  • Active Trader - the price ladder with buttons include: Buy the Ask, Sell the Bid, Position, Working Order, Cancel All.
  • Times and Sales - the tape.
  • Trade - trading buttons include: TIF, Buy Market, Sell Market, Flatten Now, pre-set Quantity buttons, and auto send.

Right Side contains the charts with 3 different times, 1 min, 2 min andDaily candlesticks.

Thinkorswim Workspace with 1, 2, 15 min Charts for $TVTY - First Screen.

Workspace 1, 2, 15 min Charts- First Screen.

Workspace 1 min, 2 min, 15 min Details for Screen Two

This workspace contains gadgets, charts which are floating and are meant to be put on a second screen.

Left Side contains the floating gadgets.

  • Watchlist contains: Symbol, Mark %, Last, Volume, Quote Trend and Float (shares).
  • Messages - from Alerts
  • Trade Flash
  • Chat

Right Side contains 4 sets of charts with 3 different times, 1 min, 2 min and 15 min candlesticks.

Thinkorswim Workspace 1, 2, 15 min Charts for multiple stocks - Second Screen.

Workspace 1, 2, 15 min Charts - Second Screen.

Long Dark Green Bar
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Long Dark Green Bar